Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Knitting & Doodling

I have been busy lately doing more knitting (working on a pair of fingerless mitts for my daughter). They aren't quite finished, since I promised to make mitten covers for her fingertips and thumbs, but thought I would share. The pattern I used was modified from Sue Brady's "Basic Fingerless Mitts." I lengthened the wrist to provide more coverage.

I have also been taking, as I mentioned before, Traci Bautista's "Doodles Unleashed" workshop on Strathmore Online. Strathmore Artist Studio Workshop - Traci Bautista While I am not entirely pleased with the pieces I've done, I have been learning more about different media.

In addition, I am continuing to follow the Sketchbook Challenge, which meshed beautifully, of course, with the workshop, since the theme for the month is "Doodling." Here is what I have done so far.

This was done with acrylics oversprayed on various items, water-soluble oil pastels, markers, white-out pen, and gouache;

and this:

for which I used gouache, oversprayed acrylics, and markers.

I do find it surprising that I tend to end up "seeing" a particular image coming out of my doodles, even though I haven't planned anything. I also find that my patience with paint is not comparable to my patience with fibers. (I was having trouble waiting ten minutes for the acrylics to dry.) The upside, however, is that doing the doodles is giving me ideas for fiber/textile work.

Until next time, I wish you peace and all good.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hopes vs. Goals

I've been trying to figure out how to get motivated to start on the things I want to accomplish. Reading Mimi Kirchner's blog Doll finally gave me the method I needed. She talks, not about setting goals, but about making a list of "hopes for the new year." In that vein, I came up with the following:

Create prototypes for several products.

Finish and donate priority quilt to AAQI.

Learn to string dolls.

Learn new mixed-media techniques. As a start, I have begun the latest Strathmore Online Workshop, with Traci Bautista.

Set up an Etsy shop.

Clear out excess (both in my home and in my studio). One way I will be doing this is by using my stash as if it were a store, shopping there for supplies instead of going out for new things.

Finally, make progress on UFO's. Here, again, it is a way to clear out excess, and provide myself with the satisfaction of finishing projects already in process.

Additionally, I have finally begun to feel as if I am gaining control over my schedule, which has been one of the most difficult things I've encountered since I retired from the day job. My time is now divided by research, artwork, and volunteering. It feels as if 2012 is going to be a marvelous year!

I wish you the enjoyment of finding your path and learning to walk in it, and until next time, peace and all good.