Monday, November 30, 2015

Finally Normal

These pictures were taken during the snow storm we had November 21st. We got about half a foot of snow. It was all gone within three days, and temperatures hit their normal range for our area at this time of year. (They had been running above normal.) Thinking about that and the United Nations Climate Summit led me to this interesting article. What's the difference between global warming and climate change? There is a lot more information on the website about the various situations and questions relating to issues involved.

Global warming, by the way, refers to the overall temperature of the planet. It is not meant to indicate temperatures in specific locations.

Today marked the beginning of the summit. The agenda is an ambitious one, but very necessary. You can find out more at UN Climate Change Conference. I hope you will check it out.

Until next time, I wish you peace.

(Note: I provide links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply affiliation by me with any site.)

Monday, November 16, 2015

Creating & Questioning

Making progress on Christmas gifts. Can't show much, but here are a few hints on some of them. Our large family get together is the second Saturday of December, so I have lots to do.

As a result of a class offering at the local community college, I have also been thinking about business niches. I know that I said that I was going to simply create for myself and for gifts, but the idea still stirs questions. Primarily, I find myself asking what I love most to create.

Since my next post will likely be after Thanksgiving, I hope you have a wonderful holiday, if you celebrate it, and offer my thanks for your interest in my blog.

Until next time, I wish you peace.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


I've been thinking a lot about deliberate downsizing and the changes we make in our lives as we grow older. Many of my family members have cut their home sizes and reduced their possessions in the process. It is something I am seriously considering, both as a retirement option and in the recognition that I will never be able to do or use all the materials I have purchased through the years.

It has become more apparent to me recently that there are some things I will no longer be able to do. I need, instead, to concentrate on the things I can do and find ways to have some things done by others. In addition, I need to let go of some things that could better be used by other people. Making these kinds of decisions can be really difficult. They signal not only the choice of one path over another, but also acknowledge the probable end of some dreams and hopes.

Have you ever had to face these kinds of choices? How did you handle them? Are you happy with the results?

Until next time, I wish you peace.